Branding and Campaigns Keeping NSW Beautiful

Many Australians would remember participating in events for Keep Australia Beautiful Week in school. In the absence of a school-mandated rubbish pickup day as adults, it can be easy to let the annual initiative pass without notice.

With this year’s event on 16–22 August 2021, we wanted to share some of our branding and environmental campaigns working on keeping NSW beautiful. At The Being Group, we’re proud of the work we are doing with all our clients that are working towards a beautiful, sustainable future for NSW and beyond. Doing work that leaves a positive mark on the world is what gets us out of bed each day — here are just a few examples.

Everyone Can Play

Working alongside advocacy groups and government agencies, the Department Planning, Industry and Environment’s (DPIE) office of Open Space is behind an initiative to create more inclusive and accessible play spaces across the state. The Being Group delivered branding, consultation, photography, copywriting, design and website support to establish the state and national award-winning Everyone Can Play Guideline.

The Guideline is making a significant difference to the way play spaces are planned and designed across NSW and is the winner of the 2019 AILA NSW Award of Excellence for Community Contribution and the 2019 AILA National Award of Excellence for Community Contribution.

Parks for People

Another project from the office of Open Space is Parks for People, a program spending $50 million dollars on upgrading, establishing and developing high quality open spaces throughout Greater Sydney. We’re proud to have provided naming, strategy and marketing design services for Parks for People, with our visual media team having played a key role in the pre-development phase of the project.

BEING created a series of videos encouraging community engagement in the co-design process to ensure parks are unique to each area and representative of those communities and their needs. Program communications sees the continuation of branding we developed for the Premier’s Priorities environmental campaign concept, Better Places.


While there are several initiatives working to create beautiful public spaces for our state, leading waste management company Cleanaway is hoping to improve the habits of Central Coast residents and their disposal patterns.  Cleanaway’s coastal faction 1Coast turned to The Being Group to develop a recycling campaign with a difference.

After a consultation workshop — which determined that the community found previous 1Coast communications to be too long, dull, dated or antagonistic — we began work on a series of comedic, educational videos aimed at evoking empathy through animated bins with human characteristics. Promoting the message to coastal residents to “Get it Sorted”, the videos use comedy and animation to increase engagement with both adults and children.

Australian Ocean Energy Group

In the renewable energy space, Australian Ocean Energy Group (AOEG) is an international, industry-led cluster striving to create markets for commercialisation of large-scale ocean energy. As AOEG’s nominated digital communication agency, BEING designed the group’s brand, developed a strategic communications plan, created the cluster’s educational video, redesigned its website and continues to provide ongoing support with communication copywriting and distribution.

From being proactive with recycling, minimising paper usage and following an environmental policy in the office, to the epic annual Alvos Day clothes swap (adopted from ‘Salvos’ and named for our Relationship Manager Alex), The Being Group is always looking for new ways to help Keep Australia Beautiful.

This year, we are encouraging everyone to take the Keep Australia Beautiful Week’s Seven-Day Plastic Pledge, choosing a single-use plastic item to give up from 16–22 August. Check out our tips and ideas here, follow us on Instagram to see our pledges and get involved!

If you need help with some environmental branding or if you’ve got an idea that you think could make a difference, and want to partner with us at The Being Group, tell us all about it.



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