The Pets Behind the Beings

Here at The Being Group, we were overjoyed when the RSPCA asked for support with a cinema ad to promote this year’s Million Paws Walk, taking place on Sunday, May 29.

In honour of the big event — which raises thousands of dollars to fight animal cruelty each year — we wanted to celebrate our beloved pets. (Yes, this is just an excuse to share cute photos of our dogs and cats.)

If you share our enthusiasm, check out the cinema ad, get to know our pets, and get down to an RSPCA Million Paws Walk event this month.

Meet Roo, Josh and Caera’s Kelpie x Jack Russell puppy

Roo (below, left) came from a farm and loves to play all day at doggy daycare. She’s a major athlete and outruns Josh and Caera at the park without breaking a sweat.

Meet brother and sister pair, Mooncake and Lola

These silver shaded Scottish Fold kittens were purchased by two different Beings — Karven and Gen, respectively — at the beginning of this year. Lola (above, centre right) is a princess, and her favourite toy is a scrunched-up piece of paper. Mooncake (above, centre left) learnt how to sit and shake his paw at five months, but still hasn’t quite figured out how to drink water.


Meet Harlow, Sophie’s two-year-old Japanese Spitz

At only 7 kg, fluffy little Harlow (above, right) is incredibly fast and loves rolling around in mud to mess up her white fur. She also likes being tucked in and reading with her mummy.

Meet Phil’s beloved cats, Esmerelda Marshmallow and Clementine Custard

Clemmy (above, left) is the same breed as Garfield! She’s obsessed with rain and loves to stand in and drink from muddy puddles. Himalayan Seal Point Esse (above, right) was adopted from the RSPCA at the age of eight and is now deeply bonded to Phil.


Meet Steph’s big babies, Riley and Diego

With a combined weight of 80 kg, these two don’t realise they’re almost too big to be lap dogs. Riley the Rottweiler (below, left) was an RSPCA rescue and loves watching TV. Diego (below, top) is a beautiful mix of Mastiff, Staffy, German Shepherd and Rottweiler.

Meet Emily’s mum’s Rainbow Lorikeet, Legless

Rescued by a vet and taken in by our copy lead’s mum, Legless (above, right) has only one wing because of an accident. She doesn’t let that stop her though. She’s still super active, loves to climb, and enjoys going for walks on Eva’s shoulder.


Meet Archibald Rudolph Huitorel-Storch, Bas’s prized Bordoodle

Making friends everywhere he goes, two-year old Archie (below) shows affection by giving lots of sloppy kisses. When he wants your attention he sits in front of you, stomps with his front paws and makes squeaky noises, looking you straight in the eye.

Meet Piccolo and Maple, cats of the Neethlings

Constantly amazed by the world, Piccolo (below, left) is small but dense; when he runs, he sounds like a large pony. When Maple (below, centre) isn’t following Kerry, Siebert or James around like a dog, he’s climbing right to the top of a tree or prancing around like a ballerina.

Meet Mittens, Adam’s second child

Adopted as a kitten at the end of 2020, Mittens (above, right) loves to snuggle with his mum Mira every night and brings an extra dynamic to Adam’s family with an only child.


Meet Ben’s Mini Fox Terrier, Al

The one-year-old foxie known as Big Al (below, left) inherited his name from Ben’s late uncle. He’s still getting used to life without George (below, right), who passed away last month after 16 great years as the Pittorino family’s back gate security guard.

Meet Tim’s Jack Russell x Italian Greyhound, Harry

From death row at the pound, to a shelter, to a permanent home with Tim, Harry (below, left) has lived a big life in his 13 years. He has a knack for jumping into bushes on walks and coming out with fast-food loot. In recent memory he’s found three cheeseburgers, a doughnut, popcorn and a kebab.

Meet Leisha’s cats, Asbestos and Chewbacca

When the ceiling of Leisha’s share house partially collapsed in a storm, a five-week-old kitten fell with it. He was immediately dubbed Asbestos (above, top right), found viral fame, and became part of the family. Chewbacca (above, bottom right) was adopted as a friend for Asbestos. They tolerate each other.

If you’ve made it this far, you definitely love animals. Make sure you register now for the RSPCA Million Paws Walk and go run with the doggies on Sunday, May 29.

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