Putting Productivity to Work

If you’re still working during this bizarre period, chances are it’s happening from home. When every day starts to look the same, it’s easy to become unmotivated. If you need structure to make working from home work for you, here are a few productivity tips to try.

Work hard, play hard.

To be as productive as possible, you need to establish routines. Wake up at a consistent time on workdays and keep a morning ritual. This might look like half an hour of yoga, a shower, breakfast, a morning walk, or a quiet coffee. By creating positive patterns, you set your day up for success. But in enjoying the little things, be sure to comply with fixed working hours. Lax behaviour can lead to reduced concentration, productivity and quality of work.

Don’t mix business with pleasure.

In addition to setting clear start and stop times, it’s important to minimise distractions. Keep your workspace separate from your couch or bed, turn off the TV if you find your eyes and mind wandering, and quiet the noise of household members with headphones or a polite do not disturb. It may also be helpful to create a second account on your computer, so you don’t get sidetracked by personal stuff. Freedom.to is just one solution for blocking distractions during work time, keeping you away from a YouTube spiral.

Plan for success.

Setting a list of daily tasks helps keep you motivated. Whether you detail your jobs in an online team platform, a journal, or on a sheet of paper, being able to mark something as complete is mentally rewarding. The more you tick, the more you accomplish. Start the day with a small, easy task – like sending an email or phoning a client – and you’ll be kicking goals for the rest of the day.

Home doesn’t have to hinder productivity; you just need to commit. Ultimately, the best tip we can give you life is to stay home, keep healthy, and be kind.

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