Being Strategic

There’s so much more to being strategic than just having a great marketing plan. Of course, thinking critically about how you connect with target markets and making the most of opportunities is an important part of any successful business, but it’s not the whole story.

Here are a few tips for bringing strategy into every aspect of your professional life.

Balance business with the personal.

Everything you do in your business should connect to your overall strategy, so it’s important you personally connect with the objectives you’re working towards. When figuring out the basics — like a name, identity and personality — pay attention to the ideas that resonate with you. This will make everything a little more intuitive.

Just remember to think critically about whether or not your favourite ideas are the best for the business. You may love making TikToks in your spare time, but that doesn’t necessarily make the platform right for your law firm. And you don’t need to jump on a particular marketing trend if it doesn’t align with your own beliefs. It’s about carefully balancing professionalism and personality.

Never underestimate the value of a good workshop session.

At The Being Group, we love to gather around a table with some scrap paper and sticky notes for a good brainstorming session. Classic strategic activities like a SWOT analysis or mind map are popular for a reason — they get you out of your head and stimulate ideas — and are not to be underestimated.

Whether you’re planning a week of social content, developing a communication strategy or kicking off the next big project, talking it out with others with different viewpoints and experiences can open up possibilities and help you focus as a team. Be sure to spend time outlining your goals and priorities, and get them down on paper. This is something we do as a company and for our clients all the time, for projects big and small.

Give yourself options and room to grow.

If you have big plans for the future, set yourself up for success. Are you likely to change your service model as time goes on? Make sure your website will be functional as your business grows and shifts. How will your online presence need to change as your offering evolves?

When it comes to digital media, don’t plan to go viral. Focus on growing loyal, long-term followers through a consistent social strategy. To do this you need to know your audience inside and out — this is easy if you know and connect with your overall strategy.

It’s okay to change your plan and be flexible if things aren’t getting the results you’d hoped. Part of growth is being able to adapt to new situations.

Surround yourself with the right people.

Be strategic with how you build your team and who you work with. Look for people that resonate with your vision and will add to the workplace culture. You want people who can bring diverse ideas and experiences to the conversation. Encourage open discussions and the sharing of opinions on strategies, plans and goals, so everyone is on the same page. Your team will be more likely to give a project their all if they really understand and believe in it.

Take care of yourself.

We know this is nothing groundbreaking, but it’s so important we don’t mind repeating ourselves. Taking care of your personal wellbeing can be a strategic decision, as a lot of us have realised in the chaos of 2020.

On top of the personal toll of being unhealthy or tired, feeling rundown or uninspired can have a negative impact on your business. Make time to step away from your computer, go for a walk, find some sunshine and do things you enjoy that don’t have anything to do with work.

Health matters, so build health checks into your strategy, being sure to check in with your team, clients and processes.

Strategy has an important — and often underrated — role to play in shaping a thriving business. Beyond the always-crucial marketing plan, it’s about approaching all aspects of your working life with purpose.

Want to chat strategy or have a brainstorming session? We’re here to help.

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