What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a must-have tool for every business. It’s a great way to keep your current clients engaged with you, win potential new ones, and culminate an informed identity for your brand.

So, what are the benefits?

Sales, Sales and Sales Again

Clients won’t always be paying attention to what you have on offer. Life gets busy, so email marketing can be a simple yet effective prompt about upcoming sales or events happening within your business. At worst, clients might not have time to read an email. At best, a simple email can generate leads (and possible sales).

Types of Email Marketing

If your business has news or there’s current affairs that relate to your brand, send out an email marketing newsletter. An e-newsletter can be an informative, entertaining, value-add publication for your database of contacts, as well as a place to advertise sales, services or events. You can use an e-newsletter to send weekly promotions or educate people about your new or existing products.

Keep Existing Clients with You

Another benefit of email marketing is to keep your existing clients with you. Regular check-ins through email marketing can encourage your clients to remain engaged with your brand, keep them in the know about current or upcoming offers, and generally just remind them how amazing you are. And who knows? If your existing client doesn’t need a product or service from you, they could forward your marketing email to someone else who might be interested.

Tell People You’re Alive

We all have favourite brands. We can’t speak for you, but we know that even though we love, say, Penguin Books, we don’t sit around all day thinking about them. But when an email about an upcoming book launch lands in our inbox? We’ll see you there! All businesses need to remind clients they’re alive and thriving from time-to-time.

Build Trust

Email marketing helps to build a relationship with existing or potential clients by establishing a link between you as a business and them as customers. This link contributes to the building of trust and reliability. You supply them relevant information about discounts, events or new products, they come back (and maybe even bring their friends).

Email marketing is a fantastic, accessible tool for businesses of any kind and size. You don’t to be a tech-whiz to set up a system. Just a few hours learning to use a hosted platform like MailChimp – and few more to develop some valuable content – is all you need.

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