Why Digital Marketing Matters

With 4.9 billion active internet users today, your business has got to have an effective online presence.

A solid digital marketing strategy has become instrumental in the repertoire of modern business. Here’s why.

Digital marketing is affordable

Digital marketing is scalable. Unlike traditional marketing channels like print, television and radio spots, digital marketing tools are financially available for businesses of any size. Being able to A/B test your ads, or venture into Facebook and Google, will help you decide where your money is best placed. Try it and see what works for you.

Digital marketing boosts traffic

In the battle for traffic supremacy, online traffic is gaining ground. The post-COVID era accelerated our already emerging “fingertip society” where everything is just a click away. People no longer need a physical store when shopping. And while roughly two thirds of consumers prefer to shop in person, that number is getting smaller every year. So wherever your prospects travel — digitally and physically — you’ve got to be there.

Digital marketing has many platforms

While some tools and digital marketing strategies are going to be more appropriate than others, you don’t want to miss an opportunity. There are many digital marketing platforms to capitalise on, including search engine optimisation (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, content marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), email marketing and analytics.

Digital marketing applies to all businesses

Whether you’re a small business operating locally or a huge business operating internationally, you can benefit from digital marketing. Whether you spend the cost of a lunch on social media boosting or devote a dedicated monthly budget to running Google Ads, both are capable of yielding positive results.

Ready to reach the right people?

Have a chat to one of our digital marketing experts.

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