Defence’s People Policy and Employment Conditions (PPEC) branch delivers people policy, remuneration and broader conditions of service and employment for both Australian Defence Force and Defence APS personnel.

In 2022, Defence had experienced a large number of changes in their regulatory environment, and the Defence Strategic Plan placed new demands on recruitment and retention of uniformed personnel.


  • Desk Study
  • Interviews
  • Workshop
  • Strategy
  • Coaching
  • Small-group Facilitation
  • Leadership Development


PPEC was central to a number of key Defence initiatives, including the ADF Modernisation Program, the development of the Defence Employee Value Proposition and the review of the Defence People Group service offer.

To meet increased demands, the branch needed a strategic plan to change how it operated, increase efficiency, consult with a broader range of stakeholders, adjust internal structures, and improve collaborative practices.


BEING conducted a consultative process to determine how PPEC would change, including interviews, extensive research and a collaborative workshop. We then recorded this change strategy in a Branch Plan for 2022–2023.

The plan outlined four strategic objectives, and the strategic themes utilised to achieve them: collaboration, capability, engagement and delivery. The first three themes cut across all the Directorates of the branch and included branch-wide initiatives for change. The fourth theme focused on PPEC’s very large BAU program and the expectations and responsibilities of each Directorate.

To support implementation of the plan, we provided coaching, small group facilitation, and workshops on problem solving, leadership development and all-of-branch collaboration.

PPEC has since reported demonstrably improved processes, alignment of strategic imperatives with BAU practices, and collaboration, both internally and with external stakeholders.

It’s a fabulous Plan and I can’t wait to share it with the whole branch! Huge thanks again to you and your team for the excellent work. The whole branch workshop day is still being spoken about too as an example of positive culture within the branch.

Fiona McSpeerin
People Policy & Employment Conditions, Defence People group, Department of Defence

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