Open Space and Parklands is an office within the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE).

During its early stages of establishment, the office realised an inherent challenge with its green language and positioning strategy. It was neither consistent, nor community-oriented.

With a desire to include and excite as many NSW citizens as possible, revised language and positioning required incorporation of the office’s warmth, progression and vision.

But how friendly is too friendly for government language?


Facilitating a brand language workshop to aid Open Space and Parklands’ positioning strategy, we led an in-depth workshop at the DPIE with a variety of representatives and stakeholders — including finance agents, the media team and the Commissioner.

Framing our discussion with three main questions, we asked what was wrong with the language, what staff members believed the Department actually did, and what emotional significance parklands had to the group.

Translating identified key themes across each role, we then developed engaging, emotive language to capture Open Space and Parklands’ expressed desire for community connectivity and activation.

Brand language guidelines — including a pitch and summary — outline the office’s mission in clear terms, emphasising freedom, accessibility, measurable benefits and jurisdictions. The recommended glossary unpacks technical jargon in a straightforward manner, honing the team’s usage of industry terminology.

As a follow on to this work we conducted an in-depth, comprehensive strategy process for Open Space and Parklands, clearly defining its positioning strategy, its key objectives, programmes and its optimal structure for implementing its ambitious agenda.

Incorporating the office’s desire for greater clarity, strategic brand language guidelines serve to reject negative connotations and improve community understanding.

Event Merchandise

As a new office to the NSW Government, Open Space and Parklands was eager to present a friendly, unified image at the Parks and Leisure Association (PLA) conference. The office turned to BEING for brand support services and event merchandise with a common focus on care for green space.

Design had to do two things:

1) Represent the office’s individuality.

2) Remain compliant with government guidelines.

Observing detailed visual guidelines, design highlights the developed conference slogan in its graphic identity — showcasing the office’s focus on developing greener public places through a refreshing palette. A range of branded event merchandise, including keep cups, tote bags and stress balls integrate brand and tonal guidelines — balancing friendliness and professionalism.

Creating collateral concurrent to event merchandise, design blends existing communications and warm, people-focused imagery into new content. A stall space and basic acquisition microsite also reiterate the office’s responsive brand presence through a fresh, inviting look and feel.

Thank you for always being great to work with, producing incredible content, and being able to read my mind with my very loose briefs!

Kitty Danger
Communication Advisor, Open Space and Parklands

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