What We’ve Learned So Far in 2020

After such an eventful start to 2020, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was almost the end of the year. Halfway through, we’re reflecting on what we’ve learned from a turbulent six months and looking forward to taking these lessons with us through the months to come.


It’s been a hallmark of the Australian identity for decades, but this year showed how truly resilient we can be. From environmental disasters to a global pandemic, and social unrest to economic recession, even the least affected of us have had to learn a little more about strength. We’ve all found our own little ways to make it through adversity – the celebrity of firefighters on TikTok is an example of changing the narrative and finding positivity in connection.

In business, resilience is all about preparing your company for the hard times. This year has certainly highlighted the importance of building strategies for handling change into our business models. Take some time to make sure you have crisis management and business continuity plans in place, and that everyone in your organisation is ready to enact them.

Lean into the unknown, embrace technology and keep your team trained in the latest programs. Online project management tools are great for working from home and will also help with productivity in the every day.

More than anything, remember that communication is the key ­­– practise transparency, understanding and compassion for your staff across all levels of your business. We don’t know what the rest of 2020 and beyond will throw at us, but we can do our best to be as resilient and productive as possible and plan for how we keep going after change.


As the realities of a global pandemic set in and the Australian government began announcing restrictions, individuals, families and businesses were taught the true meaning of adaptability. With things changing so frequently throughout March and April, the word pivot was heard more and more.

Businesses quickly adapted to provide services online and through delivery, cafes became grocery stores, fitness classes and pub quiz nights found Zoom, and teachers and students got a lesson in distance education. Organisations like not-for-profit social enterprise SisterWorks kept supporting refugee, asylum seeker and migrant women in work, by shifting to produce reusable face masks.

Throughout the country, we were forced to adapt to working from home, socialising digitally and maintaining physical distance. Whether or not these changes are here to stay, we’ve learned that adjusting our work process is possible and can have great results.


We started the year watching thousands of Australians across the country lose their homes to the bushfires. We poured our hearts out to support them financially and emotionally, through the donation of goods and money, and through campaigns like Empty Esky and #BookThemOut.

During isolation – and a spike in unemployment – talking about grief and mental health became increasingly important and people found new ways to show compassion. Support groups popped up for those in hard hit industries like hospitality and healthcare, restaurants started making meals for those working on the frontline and people donated money and services to others in need.

While the events of 2020 have impacted some communities more than others – and we’re finding time to support those who need it – remember to also practice self-compassion.


When forced to cancel family gatherings for Easter and shift to working from home, we were reminded that we’re better together. Many people found time to self-reflect during isolation, learning a little bit more about themselves and the value they place on social connection.

In homes around Australia, people logged onto apps like Houseparty and Zoom from their living rooms for after work drinks or to watch friends get married a little differently than originally planned.

The world watched as residents in lockdown sang from their balconies in Italy and as Aussies got all dressed up to put the bins out, allowing for a few moments of connection and understanding between strangers thousands of kilometres apart.

As Melbourne goes back into lockdown and new restrictions are announced, we don’t know what the rest of the year will hold. We’re ready to keep making the effort to connect with our friends, family, coworkers and clients, and take our learnings from 2020 into the future.

If you want to stay connected with your clients, The Being Group is here to chat.

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