Childhood Dementia Initiative seeks to provide advocacy and research for an often misunderstood disorder.

The organisation aims to raise awareness for and change perceptions around the 70 rare conditions that cause childhood dementia (CD) in approximately one in every 2,800 children.

Until recently, CD has been a largely unheard-of condition, with existing research disproportionate to the number of instances and both the general public and medical community unaware of its prominence. So, Childhood Dementia Initiative needed strong non-profit branding to build awareness for its important cause.

How do you gain sympathy and support for a condition people haven’t heard of?


As a new organisation, Childhood Dementia Initiative sought initial support with a strategic marketing workshop. Following our trademark BEING Connection Strategy Model, we discussed the Initiative’s primary and secondary markets, strategic objectives and opportunities.

With limited known perceptions of the organisation and disorder, we identified a unique opportunity to clearly define strategic goals for the identity and brand, including tone of voice and potential taglines, before launching in the market.

Suggested copy samples emphasise the relationship between parent and child, playing up the concept of forgetting to strike a moving emotional chord.


Flagging the increase of public awareness as a key objective, organisation naming was a pivotal step in the strategy. Presenting a number of options — including CD Society, CD Action and CD Foundation — the non-profit opted for CD Initiative: the ability to judge what needs to be done and take action.


Non-profit identity design is approachable, yet serious, bringing colour and hope to an otherwise devastating condition.

The coloured logo moves from bright and warm in Childhood to cool and calm in Dementia — representing a stark contrast between the two words. The monotone application leaves Childhood completely blank, signifying emptiness and loss.

A bold, optimistic colour palette, easy-to-read typography and rounded brand shapes are designed to be accessible for all audiences and can easily be applied across varied communications collateral.

Inspired by scientific concepts, authority and knowledge, brand elements work to create a confident, colourful and bold identity that encourages education, engagement and hope.

Adapting core brand elements to suit its purposes, Childhood Dementia Initiative developed a website reflective of its goals to gain philanthropic engagement and ongoing public awareness.

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