Prestigious global property company Goodman Group owns, develops and manages industrial real estate.

With a presence in 14 countries worldwide, Goodman works across logistics and industrial facilities, warehouses and business parks.

During a period of rapid expansion, where Goodman grew from an Australian company with 200 employees to a global group with more than 2,000 employees, the company needed support for its leaders and emerging management teams.

The Being Group CEO Siebert Neethling worked extensively with Goodman from 2004 to 2008, to design, develop and deliver leadership and management skills programs, and to facilitate strategic processes.

Siebert initially provided training services to Macquarie Goodman. This arrangement expanded to a comprehensive retainer, where he effectively became an in-house consultant to the growing company. Siebert helped facilitate improvements in the company’s systems, internal processes and management skills, working with Goodman in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Belgium and the UK.

Over time, his work extended to communications support, leadership development, team health audits, strategic interventions and strategic planning.

Siebert designed, developed and delivered a number of learning programs for Goodman staff, including, Negotiation Skills for Managers, Communicating with Influence, and an industry-leading Management Development Program aimed at managers in property development, property management, investment and support services.

Siebert’s involvement with Goodman has led to extensive work with other companies in the sector, including award-winning architecture firm Fitzpatrick and Partners, property development company Gibb Group, and construction firm Qanstruct.

The independent counsel you have provided to senior management has been of great assistance to not only developing them as managers but also as people.

David van Aanholt
CEO Asia Pacific, Goodman Group

Former Goodman employees who participated in the programs who have moved on to other organisations have also used our services extensively. Most recently, The Being Group has supported the global legal team at QBE.

Everyone was very complimentary of your facilitation and the value you add, so thank you again for doing such a great job.

Carolyn Scobie
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary, QBE Limited

Hi Siebert. I can’t thank you enough for the work you facilitated yesterday. The dinner was abuzz. The team was so in need of change and they are very excited. They loved your content and approach, and it was the subject of lots of conversation over dinner.

Carolyn Scobie
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary, QBE Limited

Having had the benefit of his consultancy and expertise in my previous senior managerial corporate role at a listed ASX group, Siebert was one of the first people I turned to when I established my own company.

His advice, which I have continually sought out over the last 10 years, is always considered, insightful and practical.

Siebert has an unmatched ability to not only understand the overall strategic goals of a company but to understand the individuals within, and then help management chart a course for the business while also unlocking each individual’s own potential.

Siebert has, both through his direct interactions and through the leadership advice he has imparted on myself and my senior team, ensured that our entire team feel connected to the goals and direction of our business and motivated and empowered to achieve.

Matthew Gibb
Managing Director, Gibb Group

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