AUSTRAC (Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre) is the Australian Government agency responsible for detecting, deterring and disrupting criminal abuse of the financial system to protect the community from serious and organised crime.

Through strong regulation and enhanced intelligence capabilities, AUSTRAC collects and analyses financial data to generate financial intelligence to contribute to national security and law enforcement investigations.

The Being Group was engaged to deliver a suite of photographic assets reflective of the agency’s values of unity, accountability, empowerment, courage and inclusivity.


Shooting on location in both Sydney and Melbourne, we were able to capture AUSTRAC’s light-filled and energetic workspaces.

We incorporated long exposure light-painting to evoke a sense of energy and represent both connection and information transformation.

By overlaying light beams across the assets, we were able to create a sense of data movement and forward motion, positioning AUSTRAC as a dynamic organisation and a leader in financial intelligence and regulation.’

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